Saturday, February 12, 2011

Q&A about life in Oviedo: I'm only a little bit confused and sunburnt.

How are you doing with the Spanish?

A couple weeks ago I went to a café where I had NO IDEA what the waiter was saying. Not a clue. Sometimes, one of the teachers at San Ignacio will say something, and all the kids will laugh, because apparently whatever they said was funny, and I sit there awkwardly either not understanding the joke or not understanding why it was funny. But, these instances are becoming fewer and farther between, and in general I understand everything enough to at least know what’s going on.

Have you been homesick?

Yes and no. I didn’t actually call home until a couple weeks into the semester, partly because communicating by email is generally enough, and partly because my brother the yearbook editor doesn’t let anyone at home use Skype when he’s working on it on the computer on Sunday afternoons (yeah, that’s how important I am to him! Do you blame me for not calling? :-p ). There are times when I miss home/Canisius and my family, and there are things about the US that I miss (little things, like bagels and Dugan’s never-ending hot water come to mind), but everything will be there when I get back!

What’s one thing you left home that you wish you brought?

Sunscreen. No, I don’t know what I was thinking.

A lot of people have asked about the food here, which I feel deserves a post of its own. Also, I'm going to Santiago de Compostela next weekend, so stay tuned :-p

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